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Guidelines for Determining Who Is Entitled to the Oregon BD Group Member Discount for BD Preparations

  • In general, the person ordering the preparations will determine if they feel they are entitled to the member discount for BD preparations made by the Oregon BD Group based on the examples enumerated below. In the case of large orders the prep storage distribution person may use their discretion to double check the legitimacy of the claim of membership if they deem necessary.

  • One does not qualify as an active contributing member of the Oregon BD Group if they simply attend meetings and help make, bury, or unbury the preparations.

  • The primary distinction needing to be made is the difference between an active contributing member and someone who is a participant but who has yet to take on significant responsibility in the group. 

Some examples of activities that would qualify one as an active contributing member:

1. Holding any of the following elected positions:
General Manager, Moderator, Program Director, Non-Profit Agent, Treasurer, Bookkeeper, Scribe, Librarian, Web Master, Prep Making Coordinator, National Liaison, Prep Caretaker/Distributor, Fellowship of Preparation Maker Rep, or Facebook Coordinator.
2. Being the chair or participating member of an active committee (Prep Quality Control, Conference Committee, Welcoming Committee)
3. Hosting a meeting.
4. Taking full responsibility for coordinating the making of one of the preparations at our meetings.
5. Making a preparation on one’s own and contributing it to the group. This needs to be cleared by the prep quality control committee or the Prep Caretaker/Distributor
6. Harvesting a significant amount of herbs or animal organs.
a. Chamomile – one pint minimum
b. Dandelion – one quart minimum
c. Yarrow – one quart minimum
d. Bladder – one minimum
e. Intestine – enough for annual 503 needs
f. Mesentery – enough for annual 506 needs
g. Valerian – 1 oz liquid juice
h. Manure – enough for 500 annual need
7. Other duties agreed upon by the group that require time and effort.

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