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Word Pictures

The Cycle of the Year

Fall, Acorn drop, Salmon run, Cozy first rain, dropping leaf souls into earth, Lichen elf forest magic.
Winter, hard cold, winter grown rocks, flood rains, starbright closeness, woodsmoke drifting on muddy paths, withholding of spirit.
Spring, marching in the wet, twigs, bark, colored red, orange yellow of new sap rising, weeds roaring out of the ground, waiting for the start of agriculture, carpets of gentle green erection.
Summer, flowering color, thick pollen soaked air, love of life intoxicating, overfilling senses, fullness of growth, exhaled elementals asleep in the air.
Gathering together, entering into perception of the harvest, completion or death, opening to the darkness.

–Devon Strong, 2000

Silver Weather

White cloud on the land
Weeping into foliage
Seeping into earth
The silver weather is winter in this country,
Fog and rain
Misty dampness filing the cup of soil
Full of soup for cooking
Ready to nourish the life within us.

–Devon Strong, 2000

Picture of Seed

The farmer puts seeds into harmony
Of cosmic/earthy chaos to imprint
Plant beings into life by enlivening
The soil with the preparations to balance
The calcium earth and silica,
The thin sheath over all surfaces
(hair, grass) that tones the cosmic influences
on all beings.

–Devon Strong, 2000

Biodynamic Action

Thinning out of substance, world presence is weakening, in pollution and apathy, this being is fading into the background
Incredible that we can now see the difference within a lifespan, what should take eons of neglect has come to pass in these days we now live
Cosmic and earthly connections lack human deeds and compassion, this answer to these questions of what we can do is in the
clairvoyant sense of seeing, re-establishment knowledge of forces in thought that gives enlivening substance to human action.
The practice of Biodynamic agriculture is the process of human action enlivened to reverse the neglect we have of our body-soul.


–Devon Strong, 2000

Snow blessing

The Highest points of land are crowned with crystals of pure light
Created by the cosmic touch of spirit on our
worldly waters.
We are blessed to have these hills bathed in the blood of our ancestors,
Traditional peoples for thousands of years, crying storms onto the slopes of grandmother.
These waters are given blessings from a consciousness
Within us all and from far beyond our own consciousness.
We invoke a host of waiting spirits to attend our heart’s wishes,
Fulfilling the season’s needs, as this blessing crowns these hills-mantle of crystals,
That magic alchemy receives our transformation of spirit into matter.
These prayers create something that matters to spirits,
Our open hearts welcome the transformation of spirit into these crystal kingdoms
Whose transformation into the lifeblood of living beings downstream
Transcends itself into the ocean’s depths, upwelling winter storms cycles of the future onto these hills.
So our prayers are needed to renew the cycle of life to our people
As we walk our talk in our daily lives.
Wopila, I am filled, thank you.

–Devon Strong, 2008

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